I work with tea because I love Tea. I don’t belong to the industry but my focus is to make Indians and people across the globe understand Indian Specialty Tea and fall in love with them. Therefore, everything I do I try to be consumer focus. When I began my tea journey some 8 years back, I didn’t have any formal education on tea. I got great support from Gaurav Saria of Infinitea who I call my tea guru happily.

Over the years I studied tea, visited several gardens, did a certification program, spent time with some legendary tea people in India, and slowly started gaining confidence in taking baby steps into the beautiful world of tea.

At this time I designed for myself the title “Tea Artist” keeping in mind my objectives as well as the kind of work I intend to do. Sadly, however, I found that many other people started copying Tea Artist as if it is a common title and available to use without the slightest regard for its intellectual property right.

Tea Artist is not a title you get after finishing any Tea Certificate Program, nor can you get it by reading x number of tea books or spending y number of years in the tea industry.

Tea Artist is a title designed by me solely for my usage keeping in mind my skills, knowledge, expertise, experience, and vision. Therefore, using Tea Artist by anyone else is an infringement.

In India, no one really cares about such things. In fact, no one can believe that someone can create a title and can legally own it. Well, I had to do that now. I am happy to say that Tea Artist is now a trademark belonging to me – that is Susmita Das Gupta. I am hoping that those people who have been using this title will stop using it with immediate effect; and if not, I shall be forced to take legal actions against them (which I don’t want to do – I believe in good faith).

Thank you.

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