5 Reasons Why Some Teas Are More Expensive Than Others

In case you are not a tea connoisseur and are just about embarking on your tea journey, you need some help and guidance on selecting and buying your tea. If you visit a supermarket you shall find various tea brands selling numerous teas at different price points. So, where do you start? How do you […]
Welcome to France’s 1st Tea Championship – Join AVPA’s Teas of the World Contest

As a tea lover and tea artist, every time I see a Coffee Championship happening, and see the vibrant activities, the spirit of the participants, the-let-your-hair-down attitude and having fun while doing serious stuff – I say to myself, “why not with tea?” I guess, and it is a very personal observation – that the […]
Tea & Health

I very often get asked these questions: Is tea really good for health? What are the health benefits of tea? Which of the teas I should drink to improve my health? The answer to these questions is very simple : Tea is NOT a medicine and therefore it should not be looked at only from […]
France’s Love For Tea & Its First Teas Of The World Contest
“Not one cup of tea have I taken without cursing the glory and the ambition that keeps me away from the soul of my life”, part of Napoleon’s letter to his beloved Josephine in 1796. Tea, indeed, has a very long history in France. The first tea came to Paris via the Dutch in the […]
Pranayum – The High on Life Tea

I chanced upon Pranayum Tea by luck. Knowing my love for all things tea and the work I do around it, a close friend from my MBA days Sai Sudha, introduced me to Seema who runs Pranayum from Hong Kong. Seema is a very nice person, polite and humble; it was really refreshing to find […]
AVAP’s ‘Teas of the World’ Contest Ends on High Notes
“I have no experience in any tea championships, there really are none that I know of in the US. There is one, but it is more of a marketing championship, and not necessarily a tea championship. Either way, because of it’s structure, the winning teas mean very little to me and my purchasing… I’ve tried […]
Darjeeling – The Land of Beautiful Teas – 1

To me Darjeeling is a mysterious land – a land mixed with my imagination, stories, nostalgia and love. It is not surprising that I grew up drinking or rather smelling Darjeeling tea. I remember visiting our neighborhood tea stores from where my father used to buy loose leaf tea regularly. I vividly remember the aroma […]
Pure Japanese Matcha – Now in Bangalore

Matcha tea is currently sweeping the whole world for various reasons – its beautiful visual, believed health benefits, distinct aroma and perhaps also its history. Matcha is a powdered tea based on which the entire Japanese Tea ceremony was built way back in the 12th century. Matcha tea is distinguished from other teas by the […]
Darjeeling – The land of Exquisite Tea and Mesmerising Tea Trails

I write about tea so what am I doing writing about travelling? Well, tea and travelling can actually be quite related. In fact, in the western world particularly in Europe and USA visiting the tea gardens and tea estates from where they get their tea, is a passion and a full-time travel objective. In simple […]
Must Visit 6 Tea Factories in Darjeeling & Kurseong

Darjeeling – The land of Exquisite Tea and Mesmerising Tea Trails Darjeeling tea is called the Champagne of tea for, perhaps many a reasons. It is considered one of the most premium and sought after tea among the tea connoisseurs around the globe. Most royal families of Europe wake up every day to a cup of […]